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Ludlow Castle

Ludlow Rooftops
The Buttercross, Ludlow
Ludlow from the hills
Black and White Buildings at Ludlow
Black & white buildings at Ludlow


Ludlow - Gastronomic capital of Shropshire

Ludlow was described by John Betjeman as "the loveliest town in England" and by Country Life as "the most vibrant small town in the Country". Ludlow also has more Michellin Starred restaurants than any other town in the country.

LudlowLudlow has a lively market, food fairs, speciality food shops and more restaurants and Inns than you can shake a cocktail stick at.

With over 500 listed buildings, mainly Georgian or half-timbered, Ludlow is a feast for the eyes.

Once the home of Kings, Ludlow Castle has been described as "the epitome of what a castle ought to be" - the castle dominated life in Ludlow for centuries. As a venue for festivals and events and open air theatre Ludlow Castle still plays an vital part today.

The Ludlow Museum gives a history of the town. St Laurence's Church is the custodian of the Ashes of A.E.Housman, the celebrated poet and author of "A Shropshire Lad".

Ludlow hosts a number of festivals and fairs each year. The Ludlow Marches Food & Drink Festival is held every September, Ludlow Festival is held in June/July attracting performers from all over the world. In November the Medieval Christmas Fair is held locally.

For more information on Ludlow contact Ludlow Tourist Information Centre

If you would like to visit Ludlow and need accommodation and are interested in finding the best hotel, guest house, bed and breakfast or self catering property, please click here.


Please click the link to view a street map of Ludlow town centre




South Shropshire Visitor Guide

This accommodation guide for the South Shropshire towns of Clun, Cleobury Mortimer, Ludlow, Church Stretton, Craven Arms and Bishops Castle is available.

Click the link to Request a South Shropshire Brochure.

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